right now on a cnbc exclusive we're joined by r.j. kirk.nk you for joining us again, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> you find yourself pretty much in the same position that elizabeth holmes at theranos found herself in, where people are calling into question the business model, the products, the results, the promises and everything. what is your strategy to counter the naysayers right now? >> we have a wonderful business that is operating under an extremely capital-efficient plan. we have many, many successes. we have mature products. we have market-ready products. we have products approved by the usda, health canada, endorsed by world health organization, panama health organization, et cetera, et cetera. when you say investors, so as you know, there are a number of short-selling hedge funds who -- and the report you just alluded to, by the way, was an anonymous blog. >> right. >> by a self-identified short hedge fund. and we've responded publicly, i think, in the best way we know how. in terms of our overall response, we're going to co