other books that i've read recently include r.u. siriusverybody must get stoned which i reviewed for "the new york post" and it's a list of compellations about rock stars and their mostly misadventures with drugs. it's a fascinating read. it's sobering book as well as a hell of a lot of fun at the same time. i also recently finished clinton heylin babylon's burning talking about popular music, late '70s in england and the u.s. and how the punk movement slowly spread and transformed itself spoke a commercial enterprise in grunge in the very late '80s and early 90s most a fascinating read. i recently read joe scarborough scald the last best hope. i'm a big fan of joe scarborough on tv which i was disappointed in the book which was superficial in its stated goal in trying to offer a true alternative to a kind of big government program that's coming out of washington from both republicans and democrats. there's a few books in