this is an r3 busy street that the church lives on, that the church is on and so do i.. -- so i. -- so do i. please denied a permit in a residential zone. thank you. -- please deny a permit in the residential zone. >> i work in the area and i agree with people who oppose the cell phone towers. there does not seem to be enough that the church can structurally supported the towers and also if there are places the towers could go that are in a commercial zone, that makes more sense to me that a residential neighborhood. thank you. >> our next speakers. >> good afternoon. having grown up next door to the church at 2057 larkin -- i have definitely seen the way the church looks, especially from the outside. you can see the obvious lack of structural integrity to support something so big as 1 ton of weight all the way up on the top of the steeple. growing up next to the church, i would like to bring to your attention the people you see in front of you are opposed to as far as they're being a tower, 400 feet away in the commercial area, this is obviously unnecessary. thank you. >> good afterno