reporter: stefanie christmann works at an institute in the moroccan capital rabat.t was here that she developed f.a.p. she says the consequences of global insect disappearance could be dramatic, such asas ls of food crops, soil erosion, and even human migration. stefanie: we mightht get intna world which is not peaceful anymore. in all areas, because everybody will be affected. and i think we have to start thinking on pollinator loss and on pollinator protection also in terms of keeping global peace. reporter: the thousands of samples she collects help scientists gain an overview of insect populations. >> we can, for example, take this one. this is a mason bee. so, the mason bees, they will make nests above ground. reporter: the researchers have been studying eating and brbreeding behavavior. they've also shown farmers how to spot insect nests. stefanie: we did interviews with farmers. they donont recognize nenests. so for this we have to go to the field and to show them nests, to make them see their landscape and their fields with the eye of a pollinator. also, whe