and coalition of rabbani. and then finally they realized that there was no way, and that's why their faction, which is called cyprus faction, in protest did not participate in the government of karzai. thank you. that is just for your information. >> thank you. we'll start with you. >> yes. regarding your question, i never said pakistan supported jendola. i said the iranian government accused pakistan of supporting jendola. [ inaudible ] >> the microphone, please. >> why would they support a sunni group? it's in its interests. iran's interests are not just based on religion. the islamic republic doesn't let religion get in its way. it does things that we wouldn't think are -- you know, that would be contradictory for its interests. iran supports lots of sunni and shia groups despite being a shia state. it has ties with the taliban in the same group that has killed iranian diplomats and conducted attacks against iran. but when it comes to foreign policy often, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and that's how