dena rabinowitz. hi. >> hi. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you. first of all, what is test anxiety? student gets very nervous oror durin fearful either before g a test, and it interferes with their ability to perform the way they would otherwise. >> does that mean we actually don't get the highest scores we could get because of test anxiety? >> it does. test anxiety interferes in many different ways. when you're anxious, you can't concentrate and focus, and so it creates problems studying and preparing for the test, and, during the test, it makes it hard to focus on the test questions and getting good answers down on the piece of paper. also, it can make you feel all these different physical symptoms like nausea orzziness so that, again, it's di hard to focus on the test and how you want to perform. >> who's most likely to experience test anxiety? >> anybody can have test anxiety, but the most likely students to experience it are ones who either worry a lot about general issues or about academics in particular or kids who like to be perfect and fo