. >> but in the spirit of rachael ray and cooking shows everywhere, let's just fast-forward to the end>> wow! that is so not what i was expecting. i mean in a good way. like you just were spraying stuff. it looked like you were making it up as you went along. >> it's pretty calculated. >> i can tell now. it's very calculated. art really distills words into these powerful images. >> i think it's an internal thing. people have to begin an internal dialogue with themselves and try to understand themselves and themselves in the context of history too, you know. >> it's great, man. now, ernesto isn't the only artist using creativity to provoke change. i'm dropping in on the band las cafeteras, who uses their music to tell the story of their people's past, present, and future. ♪ >> what's up? >> how are you doing, man? >> good to see you. >> good to see you, homey. thanks for making it through, man. >> thanks for inviting me. heard the music coming all the way down the street. >> sounds cute, huh? >> sounds good. i've heard this type of music before, but this has a different spin on it. >> w