c-span: are you surprised how much controversy the rachael warby thing has been? >> guest: yeah. i really am because of the fact... i think that the thing that disappoints me is that she's been criticized for being indiscreet about her personal life, and i think that that's disappointing and i think that misses sort of the impact of what she's trying to do and what she's saying. i think she was very brave and very gutsy. he husband was asked after her press conference, "aren't you embarrassed by this? you know, this is not, certainly, something that a first lady should do." and he looked and said, "you know, you guys in the media are always criticizing us politicians for masking our lives. i don't know anyone who's been as honest as rachael is, and i respect her for it and i love her for it, and i think she's gutsy." and when i read that, i thought, "good for him. he understands." c-span: there's a fellow you quote a lot in here by the name of l. t. anderson. why did you quote him? >> guest: well, he was a columnist for one of the charleston newspapers, a very prominent one, who