well, looking around this audience tonight, i suspect most of you know who rachel carson is, but i can tell you generally that is not the case with a lot of people. baby boomers and people older than baby boomers tend to remember carson and her work and young people in high school college are studied rachel carson and environmental studies classes and they are more likely to know who rachel carson us. but in between is this great doughnut hole. lots and lots of people who don't know rachel carson, don't know "silent spring" and as a result don't understand the origins of the environmental movement and as importantly, the debate and arguments we have around the environmental movement. they have their origins in "silent spring" and the reaction to "silent spring" in the historical context in which carson was working. these are questions that interested me alive. this is part of the reason i wrote a book about rachel carson. i wanted to understand where this movement came from, the role that she played in it and why we have this party sentiment of a safe, right left argument all the time