but rachel den, but it's from human rights. what she says, the vote is happening in the middle of a crime down on journalist activist and the opposition. laura will hear more about whether the elections met the criteria for international standards of you know, french there when the organization for security and cooperation in your issues their report. that'll be tomorrow. but i think what's important to underscore, it is the climate in which these elections are taking place. and it is a climate in which the outgoing parliament was dominated very much 5 and you watched a bunch on party there also the other seats and the problem, it had been with very much pro government parties and it really is only one opposition voice. but overall, the want to get started is the context them is this election is taking place and it's a context where there has been the, a really escalating cracked up against any kind of a clinic or independence civic activities in the country. and this being described on has been going on for at least 12 months.