members of the public that come out to speak today and waited, of course to dpw mohammed nuru and rachel gordon and sam dodge for working closely with our office and coming up with the concepts of how to make a potential toilet program to work when it was an issue that been going on since i was in office i appreciated dpw staff members sitting down in terms of how to provide this important need and provide a dedicated space for people to use the bathroom awhile hearing the concerns about other toilets that might not have worked with the community and ended up not being used for toilets in the neighborhood because of safety concerns 0 so the concept of their cleaned everyday and monitored and rolled 2340u9 everyday it came from the brainstorming of the staff at the staff of the department of public works we're excited to see the outcomes and wanted to call the hearing being a pilot program what we intended this to be our office is introducing a supplemental that comes and later hearing with the budget committee and our office is interested in expanding this program in the tenderloin but somethin