what action will the prime minister take in responses to the heartfelt pleas from my constituent rachel jones who wants to see much harder hitting labels on alcoholic drinks following the tragic death of her boyfriend, stewart cable, the former stereophonics drummer. >> i think what we can take is the action through the tax system and we are looking at this in terms of dealing with the problem drinks and also with some tougher minimum pricing for alcohol. i think that is actually where we should be putting our attention rather than necessarily looking at labeling. i think that the problem we have particularly with young people, particularly with people preloading before they go out for a night out -- a lot of that is related to deeply discounted drinks in supermarkets and elsewhere. and it's that that we should be dealing with first. >> mr. speaker, thousands of younger women drivers in the u.k. are facing the prospect of a massive hikes in their insurance premiums. what is it my right honorable friend is able to say in terms of encouraging better risk assessment to avoid such unintended cons