for the budget committee, chairman rachel norton members murase wynns. for rules, chairman wynns fewer and murase. for student assignment, chairman murase walton haney. purpose and no and labor chairman is walton and members are murase and caminong to pursue the college committee, joint committee chairman is mendoza-mcdonnell and numbers are murase and norton. weather reports by four numbers, report from the student assignment committee. the only committee whose met the spar i already gave earlier. other members want to announce their board committee meetings or other reports commissioner wynns >> i notice you referenced it before but the rules committee is meeting tomorrow night. i want to say particular because it's not a right to their meeting that we propose to change our meeting night. that will be one of the items tomorrow evening is to come up with a regular new regular meeting night. but since we keep on encouraging the public as well as board members to come to the rules committee when we did the legislative reviews which were not doing tomorrow