in washington, iowa, the special guest is rachel wyatt, the pastor's sister and part of a husband-wifemissionary team in tanzania. >> just to give a little bit of perspective, you're going to be okay. we are going to be okay. >> rachel, so great to see you. i'm familiar with that closet because i watched your facebook live fellowship. it seems upside down, you're in tanzania, a less-developed country, yet you're going into the closet because your kids are asleep to you can talk to your friends in iowa, churchgoers, you're giving them a pep talk. shouldn't they be giving you a pep talk? >> i don't know, it seems like everything is upside down these days. >> why was it so important for you to reach out, quoting your mother, quoting the scripture, and saying, we're going to be okay? >> all of a sudden america is not the safe place anymore. and i think people can be scrambling. and i just wanted to get on and give a perspective, as somebody who, long before covid-19 came, we had to live by faith every single day. i thought it would be a perfe perspective that could help. >> your mission is