. >> my name's sister rachelle friedman and i work for the coalition on human needs and i feel like whenever we talk about budget there is one big looming thing we don't acknowledge. there is a lots of very well-funded big efforts in this country and a whole group of people that believe we need a smaller governments. is therefore, we have a sense that this group loves it when people take a no new tax pledge. i'm not going to raise taxes. for many of us who work in the low income community, we know the safety nets are so critical to people in our nation that are really hurting and so i just want to say that it grieves me greatly that a lot of these well-funded efforts are making real headway into our governments and into people's minds even when i look at people who voted for our president-elect, and a lot of those people, i think, voted against their own best self interest and fed right into that smaller government concept, but we need government to do some things that charities cannot do and that many people cannot do for themselves. >> question for the panel? >> i would appreciate any comm