missing all the best racers, somewhere rachini.im in judges times where hari he is in monte carlo and so the seniors are missing all the best riders. i'm alone, i'll show you the famous guy's name is ahmed. it was pieced together on the track . west german racing driver how small is the world? haven't you heard anything yet? then my news should be well paid at my expense. let's not pull, tell. for each stage won, the winner receives 100,000 behemoths. have you heard the news boys? can for the first time in the history of the country the biggest races call for 100 thousand bige prizes in 100,000 heavy truck races jumbo races jumbo races it's more interesting than elephant races. tropical fever and how do you understand it seriously? for a long time how to be before the start left? 27 minutes, so what are we going to do? what to do, in my opinion, i should go to prayers. i know the car, the difference was the track. excuse the situation. but we have only one way out, or we generally lubricate not to go to the start and thereby abando