you will be forced off at alva a rad dough-niles. -- alvarado-milniles. i recommend taking surface streets instead. use union city boulevard or mission boulevard there. that is wide open here still at this point. a little bit further north on 880, oakland stretch, full closure on the northbound side today for this bridge demolit n demolition. you'll be forced off. you'll have to use surface streets as well. feh to make city parking keg eleva for the thousands of wounded warriors returning from battle, wounded warrior project has developed the warriors to work program, a unique program that helps wounded warriorsivm also works with employers to find the right job for the right warrior. welcome home the brave. >>> we're not the only ones. a continuation to this dry start to the rain season. all about l.a. in the mountains, down into a little bit of the lower lands. high fire danger, including solano county. 78 in l.a. 76, san diego. 83, palm springs. 80 in chico and sacramento. 74 today with sunshine in monterey. let's take a look at what's going