changing the to resolution frm thalast time you heard this resolution and it is iin section 8, rad fiication which dealwise all actions taken retrospectively. just re-we added language to say as consistent with the documents here in and this resolution to just put a condition on those actions. and then more significantly under section 9, general authority, which is delegation of authority with city offices to move forward with issuing the notes and agreements citing here in, we added aglat that may by consistent with carrying out the urps of this resolution and consistent with the terms sited in the ruzlution and most-importantly provided for a process where the final documents with any non substantive changes will be submitted to the board file at the end of the transaction. any substantive changes will come back to the board >> just to be clear we are squared away about a process moving forward with all other items similar >> yes >> thank you very much. appreciate it. seeing no questions we do not have a budget analyst so we'll move to public comment. seeic nunl it is close >> thank you fo