corporate players, the individuals that are involved in international shipping, fly, frankly, under the radadar. the united states s clearly a world leader in enforcing marpol. james: you would think the no-b-brainer is don't dump l into the water. ununfortunatate, there are people out there that still illegally dump oil overboard. it's my job to stop it. i've been wiwith the coast guard 17 1/2 years now. we go out and do inspections every day. captain: hello, welcome aboard. james: good morning, captain. jim kline, united states coast guard. captain: captain. man: good morning, captain. james: what we would like to do from here, captain, is we'll do an examination down in the engine spaces. captain: ok. james: we'll actually go down and do a visual inspection of the equipment and d then we'll have t them do a operational te. and that tells us whether or not they understand their equipment, they know how to use it, and if it's opererating correctltly. the inspspectors are kind of lie the work horse. we understand the equipment, we understand the process, we understand the laws. we're making sur