a later plan allowed women to study at the harvard school for radcliffe ph.d. in medical sciences. the first admission came in 1945, granting the first mds in 1949. the medical school was distinctidi distinctive in one record, it appointed a professor position. at the harvard law school, petitions by women to enter began as early as 1871 and continued. their numbers included inez, a graduate. in 1915, 15 women petitioned and were denied. in a letter to harvard president litman, he said harvard is one of the few institutions for men alone and in our opinion had better remain so. the law school was successful. but the admission of women might effect it. it should be noted in 1915, women were still a small minority in the legal profession. but the number of female lawyers was growing quickly. major law schools were open to women by 1930. the harvard law school admitted its first women in 1950. in 1893, approximate harvard divinity school, denied the ability to admit women. it was only open to women for graduate study in 1955. 1955 was the first year that women were granted access to m