transformation plan for policy makers to more of the same can't be the answer in a world undergoing radek. change others call the shots why is germany like a rudderless ship the german transport minister didn't have time to answer our questions instead we speak to junior minister. our country is closely connected to the automotive industry so we need to consider the impact that major transformations will have on jobs. for us this transformation is a process of evolution not revolution and we're managing quite well. but isn't it precisely because of that responsibility that we should be driving innovation. we've backed ambitious climate targets we've always pursued ambitious goals at the european level which our automotive industry then has to implement. but there have been times when it seemed there was little political support for the most ambitious climate. proposals within the europe wide debate that we don't consider productive. in my view should not be that we decide today. what transport will look like in germany in the years 20252030 or 2050 develop in the coming years. development