and what those organizations have said again and again about radhika fox is that she's an exceptional leader who will work day and night to come up with practical solutions for our country's serious water challenges. moreover, ms. fox will make sure that everyone's point of view is heard and taking into account when e.p.a. acts to protect our country's precious water resources. and how do we know these groups say all of these wonderful things about radhika fox? because they have written to us urging the senate to act swiftly to confirm her again and again and again. in fact, over 80 prominent organizations that are key stakeholders, madam president, in the nation's water policies have written letters in support of her nomination to this important post. and when i say that over 80 organizations have written, i don't mean that 80-plus organizations have signed on to a common letter, one letter of support. no, no, no. i mean that over 80 organizations have taken time to write their unique, thoughtful letters of support. in fact, the senate committee on environment and public works, which