we had 11 works in the radio etihad section, two works. it was produced for gaza, and it was performed and the winners were introduced at the same time that mr. shafiei was introduced . do you think we should open the tv show section next year ? i think we should pay special attention to this section and go to production, that is, the faraj theater festival. the ministry of guidance should help together with television to produce works that will be broadcast on the national media at the same time as the fajr theater festival, and this can help both the fajr festival and the reminiscences that have been made for our generation for years in the field. there were television shows and actually shows let's not forget that the professional and top-class children of iranian theater were present in this section, and they were inspired by mrs. lili aaj, who has been active in the field of cinema and theater for many years, from ayub akhani aziz as the writer, and mr. nili as the space producer. in my opinion, it was very attractive to have differen