it started as radio static, and then he would say, "mom, can you hear the crowds? where are they?" he heard this mumbling sound, and it developed to the point where he would hear and see seton, and he started to take all the food out of the cabinets in the kitchen because state and had been in there, and thank god we got him to a psychiatrist. he was not so paranoid yet that he had started to miss trust us, which happens. people tend to not trust anyone when they get really sick, but we got him in, and he started right in on medication, and he did very well very shortly after that. he was so relieved. he has always stayed on his medication. he does not feel any negative side effects, so i am one of the lucky parents who has a son who was able to take advantage of the treatment that was offered, but i'm here on behalf, also, of my friends whose children probably just did not want to say anything, and then they got progressively so ill that the weapons came out. when you are being chased by satan, you really feel you have to protect yourself, and here is where all the tragedy begins.