the rock band radiohead made more money when they trusted their fans to pay for what they thought music was worth and they got more out of that album than when tnk put a price on it. ritz-carlton trusts its employees up to $2,000 a day to solve a customer problem. and indonesia, a country fighting corruption at large scale, stead of asking... instead of more controls, gulf stream into honesty cf face and take food off the shelves and put none a jar and make their own change and there are 10,000 of these and they put them in schools to teach the habits of probity and honesty. >> rose: what's the mission of your company l.r.n >> to inspire principled performance. we think principles and performance have to fht each other. i'm a moral philopher who wears a suit for a living and i bring it to the rough and tumble world. i always felt moral city the foundation o capitalism. very few people know aaron smith was the chairman of the moral philosophy department at glass cow university. so in the 1990s i ran around th theessage ofow and people said it w utopian. thennron happened and people said