by new year's eve, the radiohead got off the air and that sounds of sirens had frantic traffic exiting the city had abated, but the wound bert-- wounded at the hospital had yet to be relocated to any safe haven. been unimaginable to place. late december 31, a brief but stunning order from macarthur's headquarters was delivered to the hospital. all army wounded were to be taken down to the peer seven immediately unloaded onto a red cross ship, ss mac 10 and transported to australia. the ship must depart as soon as possible, it said, in order to evade japanese forces. confused, nurses and doctors both responded to the order with the same question, what about the navy patients? macarthur's order made no pension-- mention of the navy patients, only the army patients barton and his fellow navy patients were left behind and i was later captured stray from their hospital caught. lead on new year's eve, 1941 or could they were captured along with a small naval medical staff that had accompanied them and cared for them. by all accounts the patients in japanese were equally surprised. these were