motive word and their point haves very simple, the word genocide was only invented in 1945 by rafael lemkinor something that occurred three decades earlier. >> explain to us why in your view the word does evoke so much of a sense of kind of horror. is the holocaust? because the term that people otherwise use for something like what the chinese are doing in xinjiang is crimes against humanity. why is genocide seen as so much worse than crimes against humanity? >> you have to back to 1945. before that, there was no genocide or crimes against humanity. they were invented at the same moment and spoken for the first time on the 20th of november, 1945 in the nuremburg courtroom. genocide is about the protection of groups, crimes against humanity is protection of individuals and over time genocide has come to be seen wrongly in my view as the crime of crimes, somehow the killing of groups is seen as worst than the killing of hundreds of thousands of individuals. after the nuremburg trial, the united nations created a convention and that set the standard high to prove that genocide in law, you have