raffaele bertoni is with gulf investment corporation.aribas, maybe i am being ungracious to them. -- the carryng by nearly 3%.ck they don't want this vol going into the election. this comes down to the unwind of the carry trade. do you believe the best of the carry trade has been done and we should reset after the election? disagree in the sense that i think there is still a view in some part of the credit market that we continue riskierr credit to assets at the moment. regarding emerging markets, obviously we had a nice performance of the carry trade, in particular on the currency side, and it makes sense at this the electionnto and the volatility that we can see on the dollar to reduce the exposure, but generally speaking, credit and risky assets represent the best option at the moment. in particular, in my view, high-yield is the asset class where we should be focused. high-yield,rms of can i push you insect oriole -- in sectorial? we've seen the victory narrative from trump and the recovery narrative. martin malone talks about the tr