our country has accepted the need for the government provi public goods ke dams,raffic lights,poce, nationalefenset doesn't cover all questions of governmeninvolvementin ourives. what areovernment's responsibilities to people who can't afford necessities like housing, food or the subject of this instigation, healthare? health care costs ha risen astronomically over the past few decades. most of usope withhese costhrough insurance. but those withou medical insurance face being turned awayfrom emergency rooms or being dumped to public hospitals many miles away. low-income people go without adequate mecal services and have a shorter life expectancy as a result. heal care usedo be within one'seans. but in the 1940s health care costs became more expensive as medical technology advanced and grew more specialized. the cost of medical care went beyond the means of most milies. the marketplace offered one solution-- private insurae coverage under the blue cross/ blue shield programs. by the end of world war ii only half the populaon was protecd by hospital insurance. many, particularly the aged, the poor,