. -- denothing raffy. -- demography. again, the native fertility rate in western societies is below replacement. i'm in favor of it. we need to have replacement immigration of some kind in order to have -- prevent the population from going into a death spiral. the east asian societies have avoided having significant immigration to date with not terrible impacts, but i think when your birth rate is 1.4% or 1.7%, and it takes 2.1% to maintain a population, and you are losing 1/4 or 1/2 of your population every generation, at some point there is a crisis there. i don't see the birth rates in the developed countries rising rapidly, so i think there will be continued pressure, which will succeed, for migration. but what that does is, it constantly replenishes the demographic political base for multiculturalism, which is a social reality in cities that are gateways for immigration. so, even if you got rid of all of the particular ideologies and studies programs and so on, you're still going to have these quite different commun