the murder of politician rafi curry led to the cedar revolution. looking back at the mysterious poisoning of viktor yuschenko right before the orange revolution of two thousand and four we see now that he became a sacred victim himself. most political analysts believe the compassion of the ukrainian people at that moment tilted the scales giving him the presidency. the number of victims among the protesters during your own my done totaled over one hundred they are called to the heavenly hundred all the sacred victims were immediately mythologized. the beating of students on november thirtieth two thousand and thirteen was the obvious trigger of your own my done. those who sent trained provocateurs to the square very well realized that peaceful protesters were the ones who would get hurt the most. it's hard to keep protests going for months on end tension subside and people inevitably get tired. holidays are also a big danger for revolutionary masterminds people want to be home with their families and friends and one needs to get inventive to keep p