to protect the environment that's what we talk about today hello welcome to eco india i'm sunk that raghu coming to you from mumbai commercial agriculture it is one of the biggest reasons for be forestation accounting for 14 percent of all the tropical trees fell between the u.s. to positive and 2010 according to u.n. figures in regions like the west on cots in india local farmers are having to cut down trees to make ends meet to support their agricultural practices but a community project is turning pings are bound for the reach of. the forest around the village none bludgeon western india secure to its people especially because of his baby doc agrees. they don't only grow what they are also the home of the great horn with that the red fruits from the crease dug 2 and 69 year old. romani are the heads of $32.00 well it is that on the area they know of the importance of the crease. this g.o.p. hornbill is here from ages and is being respected by our forefathers from generations the age of this tree is not less than 225 years whenever there is any function in the village this tree is 1st.