in 1984, shark sheikh ragib harb is assassinated and matured by three mercenaries. attacks the villages, destroying homes and killing unarmed people. these events are considered part of israel's revenge. in 1985, hezbollah officially declares its existence in lebanon and calls israel an occupier. for the first time, israel faces a cohesive, unified and organized group. while the resistance force has shown itself off in lebanon, despair and hopelessness prevail in palestinian territories. no individual or organization is able or desires to help palestine. the economic conditions of palestinians worsens by the day, zionist oppression and disrespect are darted towards palestinin life. palestinian workers are run over by a truck and four people are killed, many others are injured and the community becomes infuriated. during the funerals, clashes erupt. palestinians attack israelis with stones. 17. old student muhammad hatim abu sisi is killed by israel. the clash is heiden and people rise up in a revolutionary movement. the first interfada. from within the first interfa