emmanuel, which, of course, we'll book him on the show. he made a prediction about health care that is is certainly raising some eyebrows. >> yeah, it is. obviously, the brother of rahmmpanies are going to drop all their health care plans by the year 2025. >> what? >> and he obviously is taking some heat from that. but what he is saying is, hold on, i'm not saying that companies are going to ditch it to sort of, you know, screw over the american worker. his whole goal is that the exchanges now that we have through aka will get good enough that we may not need some of the employer-sponsored plans. so he's in that you're the boss blog in the new york times, people raising their ire at zeke, and he's saying think about why i'm saying it, not take the headline and put on twitter and everybody get upset. >> so most americans prefer to have that as an option, as well. >> if we see the exchanges, quality go up and cost go down, that's what he's arguing. i don't know if you watched "60 minutes" last night. they talked about this rv that goes around in southwestern virginia and delivers health care. god bless the nurses that were doing it. >> that's right. >> but heartbreakin