rai caluori, executive vice president, fleet operations of princess cruises. dr. daniel pavel, deputy head of safety and risk, system engineering. mr. niels fraende, sales and engineering for viking life-saving. and captain hans hederstrom. >> mr. caluori. >> thank you. thank you very much, chairman hersman, vice chairman, thank you very much for the opportunity to present today. i think one of the lessons i've learned is that you never stop learning in this business. having sat in the audience for today's i've learned some incredible amount. i'm at a slight disadvantage from a lot of the other panelists who presented over the last two days because i don't have a marine or a technical background per se but ahead in the cruise industry for 30 years and started my great 30 years ago with princess, seven years at sea. what this does allow me to do with my team is ask those fundamental questions that sometimes are not asked by the subject matter experts which conservative tried a lot of continuous improvement and change. my job today and i've been asked to present on