not includedoes those who died from disease, g,ed from warfare, raidin and so forth. another thing we see, the consequence of the shatters own -- and we get a sense of this from this map -- the coalescence of native communities. there is the site of native to the interior. and the diversity -- this is not a perfect map here -- but the diversity we want to see in the native south is now erased to a large extent as the powerful nations, powerful confederacies of peoples are going to emerge. again, the deerskin trade is going to take over more so than the slave trade and that is going to dominate the relationship there. -- adam, iot least think you gave us this answer in discussion. what we see is the beginning of the old south. -- you cannot understand this shift to african slavery and at this shift to rice production without appreciating what happened during this era of the indian slave trade. one of the things we have talked about throughout the semester in terms of virginia or new england or elsewhere is the importance of capital. we have talked a lot about that. cap