its i'm jim rainey, the mediaim columnist for the "los angeles times" or i would be on the media column twice a week and ii also blog for the times and tweaked and to all those other a things that we all have to do in today's new media landscape. so i've got a couple of announcements to make your to t. start out. the first one is a standard please silence your cell phones so that especially because we are being recorded we don't wane to pick up a lot of noise. lot of weeding. there is a book signing following the session. you make 17 left. and a right. and your maps should have that. and you are not supposed to be recording this because c-span is recording this and you can get what you need from c-span. what i am going to do is introduce our speakers, get the discussion going and if everybody looks like they are with us we will take questions for the last 15 minutes or so of the session. we have got a really interesting panel here and a really interesting topic. the title they have chosen is "inconvenient truths". i have three books we will be discussing. we are coming to this panel at