every morning raisa ahmad makes his way through the crowded streets of old delhi to reach his workshop this is where he with tears granted sounds a skill his father taught him. they're still produced in india but getting the old ones working again is his specialty. you're doing illustration and on 1000000000 and they don't need any electricity in places where there isn't any of these things still get a lot of use and there are lots of places in india without electricity people bring their grama phones to me so i can repair them. i'm in the lead this they give me the mohammed khalid brings in his family's gramophone. this one was made in germany although it's quite old he's very fond of it. or the other unit and this is from my wonderful grandfather it brings back lots of memories i would hang onto it for ever if i could but it needs to be reconfigured i love it sound. many of the wind up gramophone come from germany raises proud to own a good number of them but his favorite is a 940 model from england. maddeningly learn electric sound or what the gramophone sound brings in a piece list