holiday activity -- we raise about $12,000 for raisedream to fund underprivileged, at risk kids at the 49er game. we raise quite a bit of money for make a wish. on saturday, we have the tip a cop at when net this the with one of our commanders jumping in the day. it will be very cold. on the exciting news front, a big priority for commissioner chan, the cit first class started this week. i addressed the class. a lot of energy going forward. we are off. i met with the mayor's office on the budget. we are being asked for a 5% cut this year and a 5% cut next year with a 2.5% contingency cut in both years. with regard to the occupy activity that took place last night at about 1:00 in the morning, the police department, dpw, fire, and sheriff;s department participated in the cleaning of justin herman plaza. there were 86 arrests. 79 of them were peaceful. no problem whatsoever. 4, their worst -- there was some resistance to merited charge but no assault or injury. there were three felony assault on the officers. one demonstrator threw a bottle. another through a garbage can that injured an