i'm seeing flashes of silk heats, body butter and a california raisein in ascot. jimmy, take down my imagination. take down my imagination, jimmy. that's better. folks, this is bad on so many levels. for starters if someone shatters a hip while watching my show i'm financially liable. second, i know one look at my face is like throwing back a dozen oysters and then doing a line of powdered rhino horn, but heff, you have got to control yourself. you're not even married yet. save yourself for the honeymoon. besides i don't understand what is sexy about the daily show. i assume you are watching it just so you can last longer. but folks-- (cheers and applause) >> stephen: but folks i know old men are set in their routines which means hugh heffner could be doing it right nows as i speak. no, no, no, break telephone up, old man. bad heff. dismount, dismount. stop it! scram! scram! beat it, i mean don't beat it. just stop. (applause) >> jon: . >> stephen: jim, put up something that is guaranteed to turn them off. >> stephen: welcome back, thank you very much. my guest to