going toe not just able to get a better a job and so but theyre going to be better at probably raisingheir kids, th are going to have less kids, th are going to take more care of them in terms o nutrition and heth and preventi. >> suare the program gives cash oy to mothers because, supporters say, they're re likely to spenthe cash on theichildren while fathers, it was fred, might not bring back to the family, even us it the money forlcohol. as aesult, officials say women have been empored. >> resources areiven to the ther. noto the father, so there has been a change of per within the household. >> suare but opportunadades has detractors too. mario lu fuentes, an economist social welfare at the universi of mexico, says the governnt should be more focused on job creatio- because even f the poor kids who finish tir education, mexico sll has few jobs. >> so the whole question is the end of t secondary and high school thesyoung people wont have the portunities of a job, of decent work. >> suarez:he world bank is heavily promotinthe program last springiving mexico a $1.5 billion loan. helenaibe