it was not as concrete as some of the other stuff involving raj rajaratnam which included wiretaps. bit of he said/she said, particularly with the main witness. but it's very circumstantial, and they're worried about this. so you remember, this is not a lay-up case. i think martoma's a little tighter, but still both of them have pled not guilty, both of them have very good lawyers, richard strauss berg, but the game plan for the fed is both of them do -- if it works out right, they both get convicted, they both go to jail, and at some point they both point the finger at cohen, and this means that the government still thinks cohen is guilty. that's is or sort of upshot her. lori: isn't there a statute of limitations on this thing? >> it's a great question. lori: when will this end in. >> i don't know. the statute of limitations depends on who you talk to. it's kind of squishy. there is a statute of limitations -- lori: if we have to wait for prison sentences for these other two -- >> well, at some point, it's not going to matter, it's not good, they still have to go to jail. the theo