. >> for the -- >> so you where there for raja gupta but wrote a piece.kay. >> i had someone. >> let me ask very quickly, the wiretaps, the argument, october 24th if seems to be in chicago. >> there is no september 24th if wiretap. it is october 24th. it is not all wiretaps, just a phone call. >> the big one is extended and extended. it is difficult. and asking the question, what is your take on it in terms of what you heard. >> it is a panel of three judges, one of the judges is seen to be generally pro defense, my reporting of the judge. the other judge -- that is right. and the other judge is perot prosecution. jon newman -- jon newman, i think, really looked to john newman as being the wild card and because he is very intellectually rigorous and they came away disappointed by the questions he asked. >> awfully disappointed. >> sorry, next after that. >> i actually work for the 2002-2003 managing partners. just thinking of somebody who was at mackenzie and knowing a lot of colleagues there, the sense of betrayal of raja gupta is so acute is mind-boggli