my cohost, rajahad ali, is here, and he's bringing all of your social media as always into the program. and raj, one of our guests tonight believes that if the current approach to legalizing marijuana doesn't change, we could have a health crisis on our hands. >> and the community is buzzing about tonight's show. i promise no more puns, i had to do that.... >> yeah, it will increase addiction among kids. colorado and washington were the first two states to green light marijuana for recreational use and now kentucky and arizona, a number of others may be following in their path. but is there a right way or a wrong way to go about this? entrepreneurs promise to capitalize on what is a very lucrative industry. some say that regulation and oversight are mere after thoughts, leaving a public health crisis as one of the unintended consequences. here with us is is the martha stewart of marijuana. and the author of marijuana legalization, what everyone needs to know. mark has written extensively on this topic, and michael gordon cush tourism, colorado's first marijuana tours. so michelle, you