self-determination that argues that american democracy fundamentally has to be transformed if black people are too rajiv citizenship and connect that transformation to rapidly decolonizing africa. the third important defense and 1959 is going to be the cuban revolution. and the cuban revolution is precisely important because of the international dimensions that it brings to anti-racist struggles in the united states. occurring just 90 miles off the coast of florida, cuba for black radicals, provides inspiration that political change and political revolution is possible. in the early days of the cuban revolution, african-american radicals are going to visit cuba in hopes of establishing formal alliances. probably none is as important as robert f. williams. robert f. williams is the militant naacp leader from lonrho, north carolina, who in the late 1950's was engaged in a series of skirmishes with the plan in the tiny town of monroe, north carolina. lonrho had a population of 11,000 citizens, one-third of whom were black. and williams, as a resident of monrad, a veteran of the army and the marines and a f