and we wouldn't be where we are , and without you, rajiv your global organization -- rajiv. you, usai welcome to today's launch for the brookings center of sustainable development. it is moments like these where, even as we celebrate the exciting initiative such as the brookings center for sustainable element, it becomes apparent what unusual and serious times we are living in. the advent of the pandemic earlier this year has robbed us of over one million precious caused thewide, and greatest economic crisis since the great recession and perhaps the great depression. of need to address issues inequality, structural racism andinequity, climate change the troubling decline of international cooperation, has become even more paramount. all enshrined in 17 2030ed nations' sustainable goals were long considered a northstar for leaders across the world, something which we can all steer our efforts. it can be argued this maybe one of the richest accomplishments of the united nations and the modern era, securing the futures of our children, building a commitment to the common good, s