some of you were on it, some of you were not, made the decision to adopt a service goal allowing for rakzing up to 20% we and other agencies came out strongly against that and it should be 10%. planning for rationing above 10% creates a burden on the whole area and there is a burden for the wholesale customers for that and that is part of the strategy and looking what investments do we need to make to essentially back fill that reliability that the puc has not planned for in your supply and we will look at what those alternatives are as we complete the strategy. so our schedule is to complete the report by december of this year. we're going to be refining the reliability analysis on an individual agency basis. you have unique set of customers that you serve. they range from small to large, single source to multiple source. they have different needs because of the customer base and water sources so we will talk to them and understanding exactly what their needs are and on an individual agency basis. assessing the threats to the existing supplies because we want to understand this more because