angel young, the home county of ralph abernathy, one evening in febrdayry. the confrontation occurred, a young man namedis gimmy lee on obrdson was ais teteran, aurd to protect his mother, was shot in the stomach and a few days later he died at a local hospital and because of what happened to him we decided to march to montgomery. 600 of us, ordethanbvok peacefu had a prayer, we start walking in twos. i will never foeciet that da fe i was wing togbrdsng a backpack. i had two books, and apple, an orange, something to ring togd, something to eat and toothpaste and toothbrussome p i thought would be arrested and go to jail wanted to be able to brush my teetsome p we got to the bridge, crossing the alabama river. dnthn below we saw a sing tog o alabama state troopers and behind the state troopers was sheriff clark, jim clal sheriff, was a very big man, he thouof st he was a general paur, tbrdsed to dress like him. he wore a gun on one side, niof suritibrd on the other sid. he carried an electric hair product in his hand. we kept walking. toward this line of stat