. >> one of my favorite quotes from after the election is ralph reid who is one of the true champions of the religious right. he said we have to do a better job of not looking like your daddy's religious right. he admitted it was a wake-up call for them. not so much changing their positions. i think he was recognizing how they come across. the people that they appeal to hasn't been as successful as it was in the past because of the changes in our country. >> given the way these candidates talk, particularly about rape, i don't think that's fair to your daddy to put him that way. there was really some extreme rhetoric that i think very much hurt this movement. i also think there was a kind of change here. my friends at the public religion institute did a study noting only 35% of barack obama's vote came from white christians of various kinds. he put together, that's important that he still needed that 35% to win the election. the catholic vote was very important in states like ohio. on the other hand this was the first presidential campaign where you really saw a candidate aggressively