. >> sergeant ralph thornton is one of the people responsible for carrying out this community policing agenda. he's also one of those black people that you can't exactly tell how old he is. 25? 45? 120? >> i like to tell my cops, when you go to work, that particular area is your castle. you're the knight of that area. when enemies are at your gate, you protect it. >> the thing that comes up for me is i feel like some police feel like it is their area, but they own the area, know what i'm saying? i'm not the knight, i'm the king. >> got you. i do understand that. i use the word castle. but our officers are only as good as the rapport they have with the people in the area. >> brushing aside the fact that his analogy means that we go back to medieval times, the way to learn how they do it here is to see it up close. >> officer jeffries. >> very good officer, you're in good hands. >> i appreciate that. it's not often i say that when one cop hands me over to another cop. thank you for putting me in good hands. >> just so you know, officer jeffries, this is my first time ever in a police car